Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cele Store

4/9/10 Cele, TX. The best BBQ on this blog to date belongs to Cele's (say "seals"). Near Pflugerville, near the middle of nowhere this unique establishment has earned the official Seal of Awesomeness for all around best BBQ. What a way to spend this blog's 25th post with such great news! I'll stop fkn around. The ribs were fantastic. I got a couple of the heels in the bag and they were meaty, tender, and not completely salt infused. A+. The brisket initially looked dry to me, but was just lean. Once I tasted it, wow, had to pull the vehicle over to take it all in. Cele's doesn't use a rub, all the flavor is in the meat and the smoke. After taking a bite, you can taste the smoke lingering for awhile and it kinda numbs you up a bit. Best lean brisked ever! Next time I'll try and ask for extra moist and see what happens. Regardless, A+. The sausage man, whoa, they shoot, they score. Not spicy at all, not too greasy, PERFECT consistency in that it's not packed loose enough to fall apart but not too tight where it's like a brick of Velveeta. Very tasty, maybe similar to House Park in Austin, but without the tough casings. A+. That covers all the meat, bottom line is that you can't go wrong whatever you order. You can always do what I did when ordering. Just say "I'd like BBQ for 2 people", and they'll hook you up. Oh yes, did I mention you have to order by noon the day before you go there? Yeah, a little quirky but so what. They're also only selling BBQ on Friday nights, so plan accordingly.

I'll leave the ambiance more or less a mystery for now, just go there. It's great. I'll give you 2 trailers. #1 all Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies had scenes shot at Cele's and #2 look for the can of Creamed Possum while your there. Cheers!

One more thing, the BBQ sauce. It was that strange, fruity, orange kind that is similar to Mueller's in Taylor, but better. Not as vinegary, but just as mild. I think it's brilliant with this kind of bbq to offer a sauce that is mild mild mild. You probably won't want it with every bite, but it adds a nice subtle sweetness to the meat every so often. Go directly to Cele's, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Showing my age, I know. Does anyone even know what Monopoly is anymore, much less play it?? Double Cheers!

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