Monday, March 8, 2010

Hard 8 BBQ

3/06/2010 Coppel, TX. It's almost a good thing when you have to wait in line at Hard 8 BBQ because there is so much to choose from and you can take your time to sort out the game plan. I ended up sampling the $8.99 sirloin skewer. Strange choice with all the delicious brisket, sausage, etc. but the sirloin held it's own amongst its traditional compadres. Just enough pink in the middle with just the right amount of pepper/spices on the outside makes for good eats. Each sirloin tip is bordered with a slice of bell pepper and onion, about 6 total on one skewer. It's also available as a chicken skewer. The sirloin is also good with Hard 8's dark, sugary bbq sauce. Dump a bunch of sugar in a bowl of A1 and you'll get the idea. Come to think of it, sugar seems to be a staple in alot of Hard 8 sides. The potato salad was good and sweet. The coleslaw was very good and... well very sweet. And of course I can't write about Hard 8 without mentioning the banana pudding. So unpretentious looking, yet so fancy, it's the gold standard of banana puddings.

My kids will attest to how delicious the white bread and pickles are, but my son doesn't trust one of the stuffed bears on the wall. He's fairly sure that bear is going to roar at some point. Who am I to argue? Even if the bear were alive, it's worth the risk to dine at Hard 8 BBQ. I see a long relationship developing here... Solid A.

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